Alan Grillo Spina

Alan Grillo Spina

Born in Milano in 1983 from both journalist parents.
The use of my first camera became frequent very early through my
graffiti activity and the numerous travels around the globe
I studied architecture in Milan and Bruxelles, and later on moved to
Shanghai where taking pictures became a necessity and a solid
activity. It came very natural to switch my field of interest towards
photography after completing a course at CFP Bauer school in Milan.
I’m currently working on artistic individual and collective projects
between Italy, Belgium and China.

Alan Grillo Spina


由于涂鸦和旅行的缘故,从第一次使用开始相机即成为我的常用工具。我在米兰和布鲁塞尔学习建筑,随后搬到上海,拍照成为必不可少的活动。在米兰的CFP Bauer完成课程之后,我的兴趣自然而然地转向了摄影。目前我在意大利、比利时和中国之间从事个人或集体的艺术项目。